Climate Change

Climate Change
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Climate change
From the beginning of the development of civilization, man began to adapt to nature. Nature does all it can to help sustain human existence. At the heart of the development of civilization is the naked intervention of man on nature. We, the people of the world, are moving forward by harming nature for our own development. Nature has sacrificed itself for man with its bountiful generosity. Reading this ethical influence of man on nature, man is now on the verge of disappearing. We are moving forward by destroying this arranged nature of the earth with our own hands. Climate is an important means of human habitation on earth. The positive effects of climate have begun to be oppressed by the desperate development of human beings. One of the major problems of climate change is the increase in global warming. The whole world is now concerned about climate change. This continuous development of the world has done gradual damage to nature. Extensive use of fossil fuels, deforestation, black smoke from factories, population growth have led to the destruction of nature. Bangladesh is one of the most affected by the effects of climate change.
Weather and climate
Climate and climate vary from region to region in the world. The temperature, air flow, topography, rainfall of a particular area are different from other places or areas. It is not possible to make an accurate analysis without knowing about the weather and climate. Weather refers to the average condition of short-term winds, rainfall, etc. in a particular place. Climate refers to the chronic form of weather. When a place is calculated by averaging air, heat, and rainfall over a period of more than thirty years, it is called a climate. In short, weather is a short form of environment. And climate is a chronic form of the environment. Weather and climate carry a lot of importance for the country. Climate change is controlled by humans. Weather and climate damage are caused by us. At present, every country is seeing adverse effects of weather and climate. The whole world is facing weather and climate damage today.
Climate change is causing a lot of damage to Bangladesh. Cyclones and tidal surges cause more damage in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. People in coastal towns live below the poverty line. Their houses are made of chun, tin, jars, wood etc. Due to living in coastal areas, houses break down due to river erosion, floods, droughts, tidal surges etc. Their misery continues. Coastal and flood prone areas of Bangladesh are Kurigram, Jamalpur, Gaibandha, Bogra, Sirajganj, Netrokona, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Lalmonirhat, Bandarban, Barisal, Patuakhali, Bhola, Cox's Bazar, Noakhali, Barguna, Jhalakpur, Jhalakpur Are damaged for the climate.
Causes of climate change
Climate change tends to change over some natural process. Climate change has both internal and external effects. Some of the notable aspects of climate change are the increase in global warming as a result of heat, greenhouse gas emissions from Russia, which has a devastating effect on the climate. Some of our man-made causes are causing climate damage. The impact of overpopulation is spreading in the world today. Therefore, it can be said that climate change is not only due to natural causes but also due to man-made causes.
Climate plays a big role in the existence of organisms on earth. Due to the atmosphere that surrounds the whole earth, it has been possible to bring life to the earth. This space has a layer called the ozone layer that prevents the sun's harmful rays from reaching the earth. The right heat and light from the sun can only come to the earth. Atmospheric levels are declining due to man-made air pollution, deforestation and excess carbon emissions. Excessive use of harmful gases is permeating the weight layer. As a result, harmful rays are easily entering the earth. The earth is warming up due to the loss of weight. Earth's temperature is rising. Climate change is happening. The whole world is being affected by climate change today.
Some of the effects of climate change are highlighted:
Abnormal Temperature:
Climate is a major part of our survival. Without a favorable climate on earth, living things would not survive. The climate on which the earth has survived from the beginning to the present day. The fauna that exists on earth today for climate change is harming the climate today. We are cutting down trees, hills and mountains to build houses and factories for living on earth. Factory black smoke, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide for a larger population that is harming the climate. As a result, the earth's temperature is rising. Deforestation is exacerbating global warming and reducing the absorption of carbon dioxide.
Rainfall reduction:
We are cutting down trees for our own living in the world. As a result, we are building big buildings by filling the beels, rivers etc. As a result, we are creating obstacles in the movement of the earth. Rain is a blessing for the biodiversity of our earth. Surveys have shown that rainfall has decreased. The seasonal rainfall cycle has weakened. The environment has been disrupted due to low rainfall.
Today we have brought danger to harm the world. Rainfall is decreasing day by day. Timely floods and rains are not happening. Our groundwater level has gone down. We are cutting down trees and turning them into desert for our own needs. Drought has occurred in the country due to lack of water. Increasing natural disasters: The whole world is worried about the climate today. Because climate change will not be affected by just one policy impact. The whole world will be affected by the effects of climate. The price of which must be paid to every people and country. Natural disasters have increased in the country. Nature is giving back to man today. Today we are responsible for this horrible picture of nature. Man has always been oppressed by nature in his need. So today the horrors of natural disasters are harming us in many ways.

Sea level rise:
A major catastrophe of climate change is the rise in sea level. The temperature of the earth is increasing day by day. As a result, the polar ice caps are melting day after day. Sea water is rising due to the melting of polar ice caps. Due to the rising sea level, the low-lying areas will be submerged. It shows that most of the people in the coastal areas will suffer more. Lack of potable water Due to the increase in sea water, saline water is increasing at different levels and in higher and lower places. Due to the increase in saline water, there has been a shortage of potable water. The salinity of groundwater is increasing day by day. It is becoming unfit to drink water.

The amount of saline water will increase day by day as the climate changes. Decrease in agricultural production Agricultural production has largely declined due to climate change. Increased salinity in agricultural land and total use of water for agricultural production has led to shortage.
Due to lack of water in the land, the crop is not able to grow properly. As a result, agricultural yield is not getting as expected. If water is not supplied to agriculture at the right time, the crop will not grow properly. River erosion One of the positive aspects of climate change is river erosion. River erosion occurs due to rising sea level and high water intensity. Due to heavy rainfall upstream during the monsoon season, the river water rises and flows towards the sea at high speed. This caused a lot of river erosion in the coastal areas. As a result of excessive erosion, people's crops and houses are being destroyed due to water. Destruction of livelihood Climate change is destroying human livelihoods. Air, water and environment have become unfavorable for all people due to climate damage. The land is not being harvested properly for saline water. There is a shortage of salty water for him. We have lost our livelihood from our natural resources to cut down trees, hills and mountains. We have ruined our livelihood with our own hands. Naturally, the yield of fruits, grains and fish has decreased. Decrease in fisheries resources The damage to the environment due to climate change is increasing day by day. Fisheries resources are now facing losses. Freshwater fish are declining due to increasing salinity in the water. It is not possible to hatch a baby from a fish egg in poisonous water. This is reducing fish production. Due to the lack of water quality for fish breeding, fish growth is declining and fish are dying due to toxic water.
Earthquake increase:
The major catastrophe of climate change is the increase in earthquakes. We have made the earth uninhabitable. Matri fertility is being lost for our houses, factories etc. We are building houses by cutting down hills. I am digging and building a big building. Soil erosion is increasing and energy is decreasing. Earthquakes are occurring at a higher rate. Large earthquakes are seen in different countries.
Biodiversity destruction Since living on earth, nature has been cooperating with man in his own mind. We have moved forward by relying on nature. But this retribution of nature we have forgotten is cruel cruelty carried on nature. I am cutting down forests, hills and mountains for my own needs. Due to this, the biodiversity has been destroyed due to deforestation.
Flood and steep growth:
Due to the climate, floods and droughts have increased in the country. Due to the high temperature of the earth, the ice is melting, which has caused the water in the low-lying areas to rise and drown. Drought has occurred in different countries for food and drinking water. People are suffering from food crisis. Climate change has led to more floods and droughts. Bangladesh is working alongside other countries on climate change. There is a lot of damage being done to the climate of Bangladesh. Climate change is a threat to every country. The Bangladesh government has taken various initiatives on climate change. Along with the government, NGOs in Bangladesh are working on climate change. Pathway is a private development agency in Bangladesh. Those are going to be working on the climate.
Pathway implements various programs, meetings and seminars on climate protection. Pathways deal with waste removal at various locations. Provides instruction in the right place and highlights the harmful aspects of black smoke in vehicles. To protect the environment, tree saplings are planted in different places and tree planting programs are taken up. Excessive use of plastic is currently increasing in the country. Pathway has highlighted the use of plastic waste in harming people and nature through meetings and seminars. Pathway is working on how to make the environment beautiful and livable. What to do to prevent climate change: At present, climate change is a threat to every country. More or less every country is beginning to feel the positive effects of climate. Global warming poses a threat to humankind's inability to cope with climate change. At present, one country after another is suffering due to adverse effects of climate change. Climate change is not possible without concerted efforts. Based on the current climate situation, every country has to come forward from its position in climate protection.
The tasks to be done to prevent climate change are given below:
# Refrain from development that is harmful to the environment.
# We need to increase the navigability of rivers, create more beels and water bodies.
# Extensive tree planting programs need to be adopted.
# The amount of forest should be increased.
# Use of harmful gases should be reduced.
# Eliminate black smoke emissions from factories and vehicles.
# Man-made waste and industrial waste must be treated properly.
# Unnecessary deforestation should be reduced.
# Use environmentally friendly and renewable fuels.
# Adapt the environment to global land use.
# Ensure planned urbanization and industrialization.
# Increase the use of environmentally friendly fuels.
# We have to build a movement together to protect the climate and make people aware.
Although people have reached the pinnacle of development, today they are on the verge of destruction due to global development. Mankind has gradually brought nature and the earth to the brink of destruction. People today have become a burden to the world. From the beginning of the creation of the world, nature has given its resources to man in its own way without any recompense. Today we have damaged and destroyed that nature. So we can say that if we want to keep pace with nature and the earth, we have to keep our balance. All the countries of the world must come forward together to prevent climate change.