Our Mission
PATHWAY believes in holistic, sustainable, qualitative development through upgrading the living standard and empowerment of the poor and marginal people. This NGO would like to develop society in local and national levels. It tries to implement research goals in various sectors. It enhances technical and vocational skills through training programs across the country.
PATHWAY wants to build up a safe & sound community for future generations. Its visions are economically productive and gender-sensitive. It plays a significant role in making a good citizen. PATHWAY dreams of a discrimination-free, progressive, and technically advanced society.
PATHWAY is a non-profitable, voluntary, and social-welfare organization. So, it aims to implement the socio-economic development of the villagers and town people. It hopes to benefit the underprivileged people contributing to their vocational/technical and financial perspectives. It has a research division that works on education, policy, social issues, climate change, environment, coastal or tribal people, fishermen, farmers, third gender, early marriage, refugee issues, and so on. It would like to take initiatives for improvement of the refugee, third gender, fishermen, farmers, children, street people, coastal and tribal people.
- To undertake and carry on any humanitarian or charitable program for the poor and underprivileged people.
- To provide technical/vocational education/training to unskilled people.
- To establish and maintain technical/general education institutions/universities to enhance learning/skills to reduce/solve the unemployment problem of the country.
- To increase skills and empower the women/young girls by providing life-based training on handicrafts and cottage industries for employment in the long run.
- To build up a social movement about road safety, the NGO takes steps to provide training of driving, raise awareness among people, and inform rules/laws of road safety.
- To arrange waste management and healthy/sound environmental activities that help to create a pollution/risk-free society.
- To undertake rights-based development programs among the disadvantaged & troubled community.
- To arrange relief/assistance programs among the neglected, poor, and vulnerable people during natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, and earthquakes.
- To provide awareness building of general people and skills/training on the environment and climate change, natural disaster, and environmental pollution.
- To take initiatives on tree plantation, forestry, and social awareness against deforestation.
- To undertake health programs, free medical checkups, supply medicine free of cost, awareness-building activities, and conference/ seminars on early marriage and family planning.
- To ensure gender equality in all the development aspects.
- To create job opportunities in the locality by self-employment, environment reconstruction, agriculture development, and innovative income-generating activities.
- To undertake development programs among the aboriginal, ethnic, tribal, and minor communities.
- To rehabilitate the mentally and physically disabled people.
- To initiate various research projects on education, social issues, refugee, coastal/tribal people, climate change and environment, agriculture, policy, and administration, etc. for the latest data that may help the concerned authorities/ government for further improvement in different fields.

I'm Md. Shahin. I have joined "Pathway" 2014 as an Executive Director. From the very beginning of the Joining pathway, I'm trying my best to uplift the image of "pathway" by hard work, passion, honesty, conscience, and steadiness from the last three consecutive sessions. The one & only aim of mine working with "pathway " is to do something good & wellbeing for mankind, humanity. To eradicate poverty, unemployment & uplift the socio-economic status of the third gender is basic concentration. I know how horrible it is to live with starvation because I was belonging to a lower-middle-class family. I tried my best and gave a lot of effort, hard work to reach this position. At that time, I promised myself that, "if I could make my life sustainable then I will definitely do something for this poor, unprivileged population"." Pathway " has given me the opportunity to do for humanity. So we ( I & Pathway) will try heart and soul to make the socio-economic change of unprivileged, poor population. Because we believe, " overall development of a country depends on the development of every single soul of a country".

I was honored to serve as the Chairman of PATHWAY, one of the largest Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh. PATHWAY represents my lifelong dream of creating a better future for the underprivileged and achieving sustainable development goals for society as a whole. As a third-world country, a lot of shortcomings, social stigmas, and prejudices exist in our society. These are prevalent in rural areas. I hope that we can collectively contribute towards significant development in the country. PATHWAY has extended its activities all over the country, working in Health, Education, VGD, Third Gender, Anti-drug Activities, Maternal Allowance, EPI, Free Driving Training, Computer Training, Sewing Training for the needy free of cost. We also conduct an annual survey on different parts of the country to keep apprised of the current situations regarding health, education, nutrition, and other basic needs of the underprivileged.
We have made significant progress, but we still have a long way to go. Our confidence and inspiration rest in the integrity of what we do and more importantly in the growing public support at large, for which it is our mandated responsibility to catalyze change. Moving forward, we would sincerely welcome your ideas, critiques, and suggestions to strengthen our journey ahead.