Pathway Road safety defensive Driving refresher training & awareness program for drivers and others.
We have been working since 1992 for sustainable Results in the road and transportation sector.
What do We work:

For vehicle operator, vehicle owners and road users

Scientific Research
activities on ensuring road safety

for creating road safety awareness and ensuring proper Govt. policies

Victim Support
for treatment, compensations and legal aids
Other Road Safety Program
- PATHWAY Driving Training School
- Road Safety Education for Students
- Road Safety Training of Rickshaw Pullers
- Training for Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- Training for Motor Cycle Drivers
- Road Safety Short Film
- Road Safety Theatre
- Road Safety Ghamvhira
- Awareness Through Multimedia Shows
- Community Road Safety Groups
- Upazilla Road Safety Committee
- Door-to-Door Campaign
- Student Traffic Cadets
- Road March, Rally, Discussion

Rally of Pathway in awareness on National Road Safety Day 2022
A special rally was organized by Pathway, a non-governmental development organization, to highlight the significance of the day. In this rally, there was spontaneous participation of people from all walks of life as well as third gender community. The awareness rally started in front of Pathway's head office and circled around different areas of Mirpur-10 to 14 main roads. At that time placards/festoons and banners with various slogans of Road Safety Day were seen in their hands.
Road Safety Short Film
Educational road safety short film. In this short films have been used for convey road safety messages. The messages of these short film are about safe driving, safe walking, crossing rules and to discourage street-side vendors from encroaching the road. Children are easily attracted to the imaginative and entertaining aspects of video/flim. PATHWAY produced a road safety short film to provide road safety education on television. Those films was produced that focuses on essential knowledge for using the road safely.

PATHWAY Driving Training School
To reduce road accidents, Pathway has started a Pathway Automobile Driving School in Dhaka. In a short time, the school has reached international standards in giving training and has earned a good name. Here instruction is given for a very nominal fee. At the same time, those who are unable to pay at all are given instructions free of cost including helping them to obtain their driving license. All trainees are given practical lessons on car maintenance and knowledge about traffic rules. Every year many trainees have graduated from the driving school and have been rewarded with good jobs both home and abroad.

Driving Refresher Training Course:
Pathways always undertake various programs to increase public awareness of road safety. Pathway is now providing refreshment training not only to driving school learners but also to drivers working in corporate organizations. Contact any corporate organization who wants to take refresher driver training: Address: 48/3, Senpara Parbata, Kafrul, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh Phone: +8 02-56050955 Mobile: +88 01321232982 E-mail:
Road Safety Education for Students
Road safety posters are installed in classrooms, and practical demonstration classes on safe crossing and walking are organized at schools. Students are encouraged to share their gained new knowledge with the parents, neighbors’ and relatives. A quiz competition is held at each educational institution to stimulate the learning of the students and to test their gained knowledge. The students receive quiz booklets that they can use to prepare themselves.
Road Safety Training for Rickshaw Pullers & Motorcycle Drivers
The rickshaw is a three wheeler non-motorised vehicle, and a very common mode of transportation in Bangladesh. Pullers of these vehicles are mostly illiterate, untrained and unaware of traffic rules. The rickshaws have no lights, compromising its visibility during night. These rickshaw pullers are put through a participatory road safety training session lasting half a day followed by pasting of honeycomb reflective stickers on the backside of rickshaw.
Road Safety Training for Commercial Vehicle Drivers
This training is provided to in-service commercial bus and truck drivers at PATHWAY Automobile Driving Training School. The module aims at improving their attitude and behavior towards responsible and safe driving through increasing their knowledge. There is a shorter version of the module lasting for a day, and it is held at bus terminals. Digitized and bar coded audio-visual training materials are used in the course.
Road March, Rally, Discussion
Road safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers, horse riders, and passengers of on-road public transport.
To reduce road accidents and context of the traffic law pathway organize awareness program that is Road March, Rally, Discussion.
To reduce road accidents and context of the traffic law pathway organize awareness program that is Road March, Rally, Discussion.
Road Safety Gambhira
Gambhira song and dance held to raise road safty awareness. These are held at major growth centre and bazaars (and sometimes in schools for the students). The audience is involved to demonstrate the road safety messages delivered during the show and a discussion is held afterwards.
Media Coverage
Pathway Road Safety Activities
Road accident deaths have become very common today. The main cause of road accidents on roads is traffic law rules and mismanagement in the safety of public movement. We always hear in the news that accidents have occurred due to wrong driving, speeding, drug driving, etc. Bus services in all districts of Bangladesh including Dhaka are highly uncontrolled. As a result, road death is increasing day by day. Disasters are not only humanitarian but also economic. Many families are losing their only man who is in earnable after being hit by a road accident. Many students lose their dreams and parents lost their children. Road accidents are taking away the dreams of many young men and young people. Chaos, corruption, and irregularities in the road and transport sector swell edited the country's roads. This led to an unsafe road system caused by untrained drivers and chaotic traffic systems. As a result of this unsafe road system, numerous people lost their lives in road accidents. The common people of our country cross the road in violation of traffic laws. Foot over bridge does not use. Overbridge is occupied by hawkers and beggars. There is a kind of fear among pedestrians. School-going children are reluctant to use over bridges. Foot over bridge occupied by hawkers for not using over a bridge. At night, there are snatchers on the foot over the bridge. So ordinary pedestrians cross the road at the risk of life. Road safety problems like many other developing countries are an emerging challenging problem in Bangladesh. Road accidents have declined in many developed countries in the world using scientific, realistic policies.
The number of people killed in road accidents worldwide is estimated to be around 1.3 million and at least 50 million people are injured. The issue of road safety has been a priority for a long time. Pathway has been working for a long time to want safe roads. Because of the slogan of drivers following pedestrian traffic laws, traffic signs, traffic laws have been imparting health training to professional and amateur drivers. In addition to training drivers to prevent road accidents, he has undertaken several activities including awareness dramas, dramas, meetings, seminars. The main reason for road accidents in our country is the lack of trained skilled drivers. Pathway has established a training center called "Pathway Driving Training School" approved by the Government of Bangladesh to create skilled drivers. With training from here, driving with a reputation at home and abroad plays a role in preventing road accidents. Helpless, poor, disadvantaged people, as well as working women, are given free training in special courses, and driving license fees and employment are provided. In 2018, the young society was at the forefront of safe road movements. At this time, on July 29, 2018, two students of Shaheed Ramiz Uddin Cantonment College, Diya, and Rajiv were brutally killed in a two-bus race. The news spread on social media the night after the road accident, students from school colleges and public-private universities across the country went on a protest. After independence, its became a big student movement across the country and this movement was a safe road movement for all of us. Although this movement is very old. Roads death is nothing old in this country. In Bangladesh, many talented students to intellectuals were killed in road accidents. In fact, in such a dangerous road country, all people risk their lives when they go out on the road in some way or the other. So we can assume that none of us on the road is out of fear. So we are all at risk. Everyone wants the road to be completely free from risk, safe roads should be implemented. However, we are extremely reluctant to follow the rules and regulations through which our roads are supposed to be safe. It should be remembered that we are more or less responsible for our situation today and that all the rules and regulations are done to protect us all. There is no alternative to collective awareness from each of us to follow discipline equally and to implement discipline in terms of administration to restore order. The road system for inter-district and highway transport in Bangladesh is very delicate. Most roads do not have markings and road dividers. As a result, there is a kind of indifference among drivers as well. They do not drive according to the specific lane of the road while driving. Road accidents occurred by driving at high speed outside the national speed limit scarcity of emergency lanes and traffic lanes on the road. CNG drivers use roads without training. The motorcyclist is using the road without any training. Accidents are more common in road use without knowing traffic laws and regulations. Many of the long-distance buses and truck drivers do not have a certificate to drive heavy vehicles. Drivers need to be trained well and use roads knowing traffic laws. Our economic wheels in their hands.Traders in our country hand over assets to drivers. This road accident is destroying resources. It is important to provide refreshment training to drivers and counseling training on health issues. Drivers and passengers on the highway should have rest rooms. At the same time, the issue of passenger has to be kept in mind. Arrangements should be made to the washroom for those who travel in long-distance buses. Because if they hold urine for a long time, their health will be at risk. We always live at the risk of death due to road mismanagement. To be an ideal driver, he needs to have some qualities inside him. He cannot be illiterate at first. He must know the minimum signature. He needs to be able to read Bengali and English. Drivers who have good educational qualifications have a better performance. It is generally believed that a driver is a good driver if he is driving at a high speed unless he knows the road usage rules/traffic laws. As an ideal driver, one must know the various road usage rules/traffic rules. When a driver drives, he must be aware of his own, passengers and pedestrians. Forgetting a little of that, drivers, passengers, pedestrians can get into accidents. The driver must drive patiently. Because in other words there is "patience is a great quality". You can't drive with a competitive mindset. The driver of the front vehicle can behave in any way while driving on the road. You have to drive patiently without any ridicule from him. The driver must complete a confident attitude. Because Bangladesh is a country of mixed traffic. If he loses his confidence here, he will be hit by a road accident. Driving for a long time without a pause does not keep them mentally healthy resulting in road accidents. Drivers, passengers and pedestrians all have a role to play in keeping the roads safe. As pedestrians, it is our responsibility to cross the road with zebra crossings/foot over bridges/underpasses, targeting the right-left while crossing the road. Not using mobile phones and headphones while crossing the road. As a passenger, the vehicle cannot be lifted without putting hands, heads out of the window, and without a scheduled bus stop. At the same time, if the driver drives according to certain rules, road accidents in our country will be reduced to a great extent. Bangladesh ranks fourth in road accidents in the world. On average, 18 people die in road accidents every day in Bangladesh. This is mainly because a registered organization drives on the road with a license from BRTA without training on driving. As a result, you, me, we all don't escape road accidents today. The number of registered vehicles in Bangladesh is 3498,620. On the contrary, there are 18,69,816 licensed drivers. Then you are all on the road at the risk of life by relying on untrained/unlicensed drivers. As a result, some fresh lives are being added to the road death day by day. As a result, our family member is dying in a road accident.
Some pathway recommendations have been presented to the government:
⚠️ While issuing fitness certificates, one has to make sure that there is a mechanical fault in the vehicle.
⚠️ Whether the teaching institute has a training certificate before issuing driving certificates to drivers.
⚠️ Provide restrooms for drivers and passengers in each district.
⚠️ Providing food for drivers and passengers at certain places.
⚠️ Provide insurance benefits for every driver.
⚠️ Services to those injured in every accident and insurance to passengers.
⚠️ To ensure the right identity of passengers during travel.
⚠️ To raise awareness about driver, passenger, pedestrian, students' road accident relationship.
⚠️ Checking if the driver is addicted to drugs
⚠️ Not driving by non-adults.
⚠️ Owners take unfitness vehicles on the road for money.
⚠️ To keep the speed of vehicles under control on the road.
Our objectives and goals :
⚠️ Safe roads are the basic rights of all of us, so one of our objectives is to improve and make the road transport system more secure depending on the infrastructure and technology of the road.
⚠️ We aim to improve a new horizon in Bangladesh by building safe roads by ensuring good governance, accountability.
⚠️ The driver will follow the pedestrian traffic law and return home safely – this slogan is to coordinate and create awareness among all.
Our projects :
⚠️ To report monthly/annual road accidents, injuring, killing and causing damage in road accidents.
⚠️ Awareness between drivers and passengers - Training workshops to make friends between passengers and drivers access to vehicles and to enhance the efficiency of drivers
⚠️ Distribution of awareness leaflets among pedestrians and dance through traditional Gambhira nana-nati in Rajshahi.
⚠️ Enhancing the skills of drivers through refreshment training of professional drivers.
⚠️ Awareness programs for spreading traffic laws in educational institutions - organizing awareness seminars at school, college and university levels to raise awareness about traffic laws among students.
⚠️Research in the transport sector - to address problems in the road transport sector, to conduct research programs with eminent personalities for technology-based modernization and economic prosperity. Providing medical and legal support to the families of those injured/killed/victims in road accidents. And at the same time, to provide for their full-fledged house. Work is done to increase the social status of workers besides ensuring working hours and proper wages.
Video Gallery
Video Gallery of Road Safety Program