Governing Body

Md. Raizur Rahman
I am honored to serve as the Chairman of PATHWAY, one of the largest Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh. PATHWAY represents my lifelong dream of creating a better future for the underprivileged and achieving sustainable development goals for society as a whole. As a third-world country, a lot of shortcomings, social stigmas, and prejudices exist in our society. These are prevalent in rural areas. I hope that we can collectively contribute towards significant development in the country. PATHWAY has extended its activities all over the country, working in Health, Education, VGD, Third Gender, Anti-drug Activities, Maternal Allowance, EPI, Free Driving Training, Computer Training, Sewing Training for the needy free of cost. We also conduct an annual survey on different parts of the country to keep apprised of the current situations regarding health, education, nutrition, and other basic needs of the underprivileged.
We have made significant progress, but we still have a long way to go. Our confidence and inspiration rest in the integrity of what we do and more importantly in the growing public support at large, for which it is our mandated responsibility to catalyze change. Moving forward, we would sincerely welcome your ideas, critiques, and suggestions to strengthen our journey ahead.
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1870721160

Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +66 0617837171

Md. Shahin
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1777162619

M. Atoar Rahman
M. Atoar Rahman was Appointed the Director of PATHWAY. He Joined the Organisation in 2013, and took up an Increasingly Important Role in Leading Advocacy for Social Change, Information & Communications Technology, and Social Innovation. Mr Atoar is the founder of WAMLAN that is a Software Development Company. Mr Atoar holds a Bachelor's Degree in CSE.
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1871721166

Md. Ali Hossain
Executive Member
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1870721160

Dr. Shirin Akter
Executive Member
Dr. Shirin is the Director and Executive Committee Member at ‘Pathway’ which is a non-goverment organization works to developed socio-economic status & health sector to the rural & urban people by getting financial & technical assistance from national & international agencies & donors.
Dr. Shirin Joined ‘Pathway’ in 2019, From the very begging, She working on uplift & improve health sector, although never work with any social organization before but trying to give excellency to improve their facilities, quality & quantity of program. As a doctor, completed BDS form Chittagong Medical college.
As part at there, She stored a health program called “Free Friday Clinic” that offer’s free health check up on every Friday and also offer’s necessary diagnostic test to the nearer re-non diagnostic centre with 50% discount, If any needed.
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1870721160

Sadia Nusrat Liza
Executive Member
Phone: +88 02 9036225
Mobile: +880 1870721160