The greatest Creator Allah has set many examples filled with mysteries through his numerous creations. Transgenders What we call hijras in the conventional sense is also a novel creation of the Creator. Apparently, they seem ordinary, but they have some fundamental differences from the common man. The main difference between them is that they are not capable of having children. People of the third gender are actually born sexually challenged.
Many people look at the issue in many ways behind them being like this. There are many misconceptions about them in our society. Religiously, some see it as a product of parental sins as an explanation, while others think it is the result of a chaotic physical union. Meanwhile, according to modern medical science, sex chromosome problems cause complications in the sex determination of a child, which is due to a lack of essential hormones.

According to Govt. official estimates, the number is about 10,000 in our country, but according to private estimates, they are more than 40,000. They come from all classes, including the upper, middle, and lower classes. When they were diagnosed with the nature of this fancy physical structure in their younger days, they grew up in a state of disrepair in the family and society, and this embarrassing situation one day forced them to separate from the family. As a young man, some of their behavior differentials is noticed. Mainly because of social reasons, the Hijras are separated from the family in Bangladesh. For fear of public shame, either the parents separate the Hijras from their families and community. They are the ones who are separated from the family and He tolerates humiliation. He lives in groups with hijras and lives in a union named Hijra or Transgender community. The common man has no clear idea about the psychosis of the hijra public. In most cases, they are being mentally abused by parents and others in the family. We need to change this approach. Hijra public must not only be considered by gender and sexual identity but also mentally. They raise money from various shops and houses in the city.

They have a party leader based in the area. 100/200 members are run under one party leader. Sometimes, when there are unwanted conflicts or problems between them, the party leader solves them. Sometimes, even when they take money from different houses and shops or markets, there are many unwanted situations. They always like to dress up. They think that since they cannot have children, it is best to live life with laughter and joy. But the very positive thing is that in recent days many changes have been noticed in their lifestyle. Various private development organizations are providing various training to them to develop their skills.

Pathway, one of the country's largest non-profit private development organizations in Bangladesh, is providing them free driving training as well as driving licenses. By doing this, they are combined with the mainstream of society and helping the development of society and the state. Besides, they are being educated in religious education under the initiative of various madrassas in the country. There was a time when no one would come forward to report after their deaths, or the police station refused to accept any of their allegations. But now in 2013, the government has passed a law that allows them to enjoy all the benefits of the state. The government has enacted laws in their welfare to prove that the government is very sensitive to them. The vision among people is changing day by day. Once upon a time, they were seen as neglect by people and as a mess of society. But today society and the state look at them kindly and humanly. They will enjoy the privileges of ordinary citizens of the state and at the same time will be able to perform their duties and duties properly towards the state. As a result, they will not be considered as garbage of the state. Many private development organizations in the country are conducting various activities in the state as well as in their welfare. This is a great achievement of human society by breaking the sheep of various superstitious mankind and changing the traditional attitude of the people towards them. Various private development organizations in the country are providing various technical training and developing them. It has made a place in the minds of the people that if we look at those whose position we are in and increase
the helping hand, they will also be able to play a role in the welfare of individuals, societies, and states as skilled manpower.

Pathway driving training school is providing free driving licenses as well as providing them with jobs. Few name of the third gender are mentioned here; Sanu, Ahana, Runa, Priyanka, Sravanti, Kakali and Babli. All of them are eshtablished today. Pathway thinks that by providing them with proper training, they will be able to play a role in the development of the state at one time if they are made skilled manpower. The law has to be enacted if necessary to root out the mentality that exists among the people about the hijras. Those who deprive them of the availability of this public will have to be brought to punishment if necessary. When the hijras go to the police station, the police say, "Your problem is yours" and for some time Doctors are giving medicines without proper examination. Moreover, in our society, a boy or A girl will get a parental property but hijras don't get it. The discrimination of backward people of society including Dalits, Harijans, third gender people are quite sincere in the present government. According to the Constitution, all the people of the country are equal. But the reality is a disability. By campaigning extensively, the misconceptions among the people about the hijras have to be cleared. But only the government Don't be sincere. Besides, the hijra community also has to change its standard. A few years ago, 100 hijras were employed in a garment industry factory in Ghazipur but at the end not one in 100 jobs. For the hijra community to be involved in the mainstream of society, they have to change the state laws as well as their standards. But hopefully, there is a change in them. Today, they are undergoing various technical training, including driving training, educating in religious education, some are also educated in higher education and are working in higher positions. Recently, a private TV channel in the country reported its qualifications as a newsreader, which evoked a nationwide response as the issue was a talked-about incident. Now all that is needed is to coordinate all the stages and work in their welfare. In fact, hijras/ transgenders are not aliens. They are also the children of someone, brothers and sisters. If the hijra people are honored, they will no longer go to the streets and withdraw money. Then they will be in self-respect. Therefore, we should all come forward in their welfare from a human perspective and from social responsibility. It should also be recommended to involve family, friends, teachers in various programs involving the hijra public because discrimination begins with family and school.

Pathway strongly believes that he will live with families where hijra is born, educated in modern education, build himself as an asset to society and the state, not to the mess of society. Pathway has been working through various programs to make people aware so that they do not face neglect and embarrassment by family or society. Pathway has few training course to develop the third genders skills like; Hand sewing training course, Beautician Training Course to become a beautician and driving training course. Pathway also thinks that third gender recognition is a commendable initiative but this recognition is not enough. The state will also have to provide special facilities for them as a backward population. Education, medical and employment should be provided for them. So that they can gradually gain capacity and become associated with the main population. The attitude of the common man towards them has to change. We should all come forward to provide them with affection, love as well as opportunities for general and religious education. So Pathway has been building public opinion for the rights of hijras for a long time. Their recognition in 2013 is the result of pathway's longstanding public opinion. Md. Shaheen, executive director of Pathway, declared in a loud voice that the program to establish the rights of hijras, to build public opinion in their welfare, including those involved in the mainstream of society, would continue. We must work for reducing unemployment problem in Bangladesh.